Monday, February 19, 2007

Chopping chopping chopping

Had a day out with my friend Leila and my new loppers and BOY did we cut a lot of bramble! It was fantastic. In a stunning contrast to her usual fashionable style (well, her own style at least) Leila donned sweats, hoodie and boots and loved using the loppers. So spent a lot of time piling up the wheelbarrow to move the chopping down to the bramble wall.

Also borrowed neighbour's saw (with his permission of course) and chopped down a couple of the hawthorne trees. So here's a pic of me with my first felled tree! (yes, I did yell 'timber')

We had quite a few tea breaks too. Sitting in my eBay old army chairs, purchased from the National Theatre props dept.

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Blogger Melanie Rimmer said...

Sounds like a productive day. I especially like the photo of the chairs and the flask of tea.

2:25 PM  

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