Friday, November 03, 2006

Day 14

Day 12 - got my free shed! I love freecycle. Andrew Stark helped me collect it with his van. We didn't realise it was a pent roof type one so the front side was actually 6'x6' and wouldn't fit in the van. But door removed, a few planks hammered off, and we were okay. It'll be easy enough to get back together. It's fine condition for what I need, a few bits of wood to reinforce some rotted bits and some new roof felt and it'll be fine. So I'll have to plan a shed building party soon.

Day 14 - First frost. Turns out my plastic tarps aren't waterproof so my shed is getting wet anyway. More of a worry is that it means my huge pile of bramble cuttings probably isn't drying out well. Not sure what to do about that right now or what kind of plastic covering to get really.

Today I went to clear some more bramble and grass so I have an area for the shed and to get access to the metal frame left on the plot. As I hacked away happily listening to my Indigo Girls album I spotted something back in the 'woods'.... 2 somethings.... a big water butt and an old metal barrel! How cool is that???? There are water butts within proximity to all the plots but I never expected nor have I seen one at the middle point of a plot. It is like all the others on the site so I'm not sure how it got there. And I was just saying to friends that I'd like an old metal thing to burn small bits of wood in, so that's perfect. This is like a treasure hunt! I don't even need to plant stuff, I'm having so much fun chopping and digging.

Forgot the camera again, sorry, but I must get a picture soon. It's like a different place now.


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