Sunday, October 22, 2006

Day Two

I forgot the link to our allotment's website, so here it is: (you just have to click it to see the amazing carrot!)

Dug a bit of a bed today - about 5'x3' or so. Whew! Exhausting, and didn't help that it drizzled rain on me the whole time. Might not look very exciting but the place is locked down in grass so it was really hard work. Since I want to put in bulbs for the spring I'm actually trying to clear the grass and roots out of these beds rather than just dig it in and cover for the winter. So piling up the dug stuff to the side to make raised beds for potatoes probably. Will leave this a bit so the grass can regrow, as I'm sure it will, and then fork out the roots again before giving it a proper good digging up. Not entirely sure what I'm doing obviously but trying to read lots of blogs and forums for advice.

And some little shots of the broads beans and cauliflower sprouting. Aren't they cute?


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